November 2-án elmentünk az egyetemmel egy "Toborzó kiállításra" Birminghambe.
We went to a recruitment exhibition to Birmingham on the 2nd November.
Karácsonyi fények/Christmas lights
Vasárnap kapcsolták fel itt Derbyban a karácsonyi fényeket. Persze, nem csak a kivilágításról van szó, hanem koncertekről és felvonulásról is.
Christmas lights were switched on Sunday here in Derby. Of course it was not just about the light there were also concerts and marching.
Christmas lights were switched on Sunday here in Derby. Of course it was not just about the light there were also concerts and marching.
Persze jó dolgok is történnek velünk, ma erre mutatok egy példát.
Of course good things also happen with us, I will show you an example for that.
Of course good things also happen with us, I will show you an example for that.
Térd probléma/Knee problem
Ezt a hetet nem így terveztem, de a térdem átírta a forgatókönyvet.
I did not plan this week like this, but my knee rewrote my plan.
I did not plan this week like this, but my knee rewrote my plan.
Fonetikus ABC/Phonetic Alphabet
Gondolom páran meglepődtetek miért is írok erről.
I think some of you might be surprised why this topic can be interested.
I think some of you might be surprised why this topic can be interested.
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