What could I write about 2013? I have planned everything as it happened? Or I have not planned anything and just went with the flow? I have been up and down? I will tell you in this post today.
2013 Év összefoglaló/ Review of 2013
Mit is írhatnék 2013-ról? Hogy mindent így terveztem el ahogy történt? Vagy semmit sem terveztem csak sodródtam az árral? Hogy voltam fent és lent? A mai bejegyzésből kiderül.
What could I write about 2013? I have planned everything as it happened? Or I have not planned anything and just went with the flow? I have been up and down? I will tell you in this post today.
What could I write about 2013? I have planned everything as it happened? Or I have not planned anything and just went with the flow? I have been up and down? I will tell you in this post today.
Angol karácsonyi szokások/British christmas traditions
A múltkor ott hagytam abba, hogy elmentünk nyaralni Fuerteventura-ra. Fogom folytatni az élménybeszámolót de azt gondolom már ideje van a karácsonyi bejegyzéseknek.
So the last post was about our holiday in Fuerteventura. I will continue our travelogue but this is the time for christmas posts.
Nyaralás Fuerteventuran 1. rész/Holiday in Fuerteventura Part 1
November 24-től december 1-ig Fuerteventura-n nyaraltunk. Csodaszép helyeken voltunk, ezt az élményt szeretném veletek megosztani.
We went to Fuerteventura for holidays from the 24th November until the 1st December. We have seen amazing places, what I would like to share with you.
We went to Fuerteventura for holidays from the 24th November until the 1st December. We have seen amazing places, what I would like to share with you.
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