Fortunately this year we did not go to the Hungarian Embassy, like in the last two years. The university's International Student Society organised a trip to London, for £10.00 per person. There was not a set programme everybody could got wherever they wanted.
Három programot mindenképpen be szerettünk volna iktatni, a Wasabi japán gyorsétterem (erről már bővebben írtam itt), Hyde Park és a China Town, azaz a Kínai Negyed.
We definitely wanted to see 3 programs: Wasabi Fast Food Japanese restaurant (I wrote a blog post about it earlier, here), Hyde Park and China Town. I have been in China Town earlier, but now our aim was to taste different types of food.
A busz a Marble Arch közelében tett le minket, tehát először bementünk a Wasabiba azt hiszem az Oxford Streeten, aztán bementünk a Hyde Parkba piknikezni :) Gyönyörű szép, napsütéses idő volt, ez itt ritkaságszámba megy :)
The bus stopped close to the Marble Arch, so firstly we went to Wasabi which is I think is on the Oxford Street, and then we went to have picnic in Hyde Park. :) There was a beautiful, sunny day which happens rarely in UK. :)
Hyde Park
Az egész park térképe/ The map of the whole park:
Ez volt az ebédünk, a Wasabiból/ This was our lunch from Wasabi:
After this, we went to Green Park, which is located next to the Buckingham Palace.
Egy kapu részlet/ Part of a gate:
A Green Park bejárata a Buckingham Palota felé/ The entrance of Green Park, towards to Buckingham Palace
Victoria Emlékmű/Victoria Memorial
Buckingham Palace
St James Park
Jó sok mókust találtunk/We found some squirrel :)London 2010/1
London 2010/2
London 2010/3
London 2010/4
London 2011
I have been in London 5 times already, you can see the previous posts here, but there are still places to see. If you have any ideas what should I visit next, please write a comment. :)
London 2011