We were at home in Hungary from 17-27 February, finally, after 10 months. This post will be about my thoughts what I have never written down but now here is the time. At the end of the post I will share some photos with you.
Talán nem is gondolnátok, de nagyon fura volt hazamenni. Megsimogatni a szeretteim arcát, beszélgetni magyarul, meglátogatni a barátaimat, rokonokat. 10 hónap nagyon hosszú idő volt, elszoktam a magyar dolgoktól. aki nem él külföldön nem is hiszi el, ami otthon nyilvánvaló dolog, nekem nem az. El elvétve megszólaltam angolul, vagy éppen angolul jutott eszembe egy két szó, magyarul nem. Nem csoda, hiszen itt kint angolul beszélek a barátaimmal, tanárokkal, angolul emailezek és néha angolul gondolkodok.
Maybe you would not think that being at home was strange. Stroking my loved ones' face, speaking in Hungarian, visiting my friends, relatives. 10months were too long period so those things which are obvious for you as living in Hungary, are not for me. You cannot believe if you have never lived abroad. Sometimes I said something in English or I was thinking in English. Not surprisingly because I speak with my friends, lecturers in English, write e-mails in English and think in English here.
Maybe you would not think that being at home was strange. Stroking my loved ones' face, speaking in Hungarian, visiting my friends, relatives. 10months were too long period so those things which are obvious for you as living in Hungary, are not for me. You cannot believe if you have never lived abroad. Sometimes I said something in English or I was thinking in English. Not surprisingly because I speak with my friends, lecturers in English, write e-mails in English and think in English here.
10 nap kevés arra, hogy mindenkivel találkozzak, és mindenkinek elmeséljem ugyanazt a sztorit. Mióta írom a blogomat bánt az, hogy sokan akiknek írom nem olvassák, pedig a blog eredeti célja az lett volna, hogy amikor hazamegyek ne kelljen mindenről mindenkinek beszámolnom. Így az otthon töltött idő mindig arról szól, hogy én mesélek, és kevés dolgot tudok meg az otthoniaktól, mert mindig rólam van szó. Persze ennek előnye és hátránya is van plusz, azért sikerült pár emberrel órákat beszélgetnem, aminek nagyon örülök.
10days are not enough to meet everyone and tell the same story to everybody. Since I write my blog it hurts that those people who I write my blog for, they do not read it although this was the original aim of this blog, that when I go home I do not have to spend all my time to speak about myself. Because when I go home I always have to speak about myself, my life and I can not get information about my loved ones. Of course there are advantages and disadvantages of this, and fortunately I could speak some hours with some very important people, I am very happy for that.
10days are not enough to meet everyone and tell the same story to everybody. Since I write my blog it hurts that those people who I write my blog for, they do not read it although this was the original aim of this blog, that when I go home I do not have to spend all my time to speak about myself. Because when I go home I always have to speak about myself, my life and I can not get information about my loved ones. Of course there are advantages and disadvantages of this, and fortunately I could speak some hours with some very important people, I am very happy for that.
Sokan kérdezték mennyire megy az angol. Sok dolgot kell még tanulnom, főleg a szókincsemet kell fejleszteni, a nyelvtan megy (nagyjából). Megállás nélkül képes vagyok magyarázni, ha megakadok akkor pedig körül írom amire gondolok, máshogy magyarázom el.
Most of the people asked if I speak English perfectly. I have to improve my English, mainly my vocabulary, but my grammar is good (with exception). I can speak fluently in English, if I do not know something I try to explain on another way.
Például elmentem az általános iskolába előadás tartani nyolcadikosoknak. A feladatom az volt, hogy úgy tegyek mintha tényleg angol lennék, és nem tudok magyarul. Vicces volt, de nagyon élveztem. A diákok angolul kérdeztek, én pedig válaszoltam rájuk, majd 20 perccel az óra vége előtt bevallottam nem Sarah Smith (haha :)) vagyok hanem szucsorsi. Örökre megjegyzem azokat az arcokat, amikor rájöttek tényleg nem angol vagyok, csak angolul beszélek. Persze itt a kintiek nagyon is értik, hogy külföldi vagyok, az akcentus elárul mindent. De ebben az esetben nem az volt a lényeg, hanem az, hogy a diákok hallhassanak valaki mást angolul beszélni, a tanárnőn kívül. Be kell valljam (akik ismernek úgyis tudják) nagyon szeretek beszélni, legyen az angolul vagy magyarul.
For example I went to the local primary school to speak in English for the 14 years old students. My task was to pretend that I am from the UK and I cannot speak in Hungarian. It was funny, I really enjoyed it. The students asked in English and I had to answer, 20 minutes before the end of the lesson I told them that I am not Sarah Smith (haha :)) I am szucsorsi. I will always remember for those faces who really thought I am English. Of course here in England everybody knows that I am foreign because of my accent. I can not hide it. In this case this did not matter, the most important thing was for the students to hear someone else speaking in English not just the teacher. I have to admit (those who know me know it anyway) that I really love speaking either in English or in Hungarian.
Most of the people asked if I speak English perfectly. I have to improve my English, mainly my vocabulary, but my grammar is good (with exception). I can speak fluently in English, if I do not know something I try to explain on another way.
Például elmentem az általános iskolába előadás tartani nyolcadikosoknak. A feladatom az volt, hogy úgy tegyek mintha tényleg angol lennék, és nem tudok magyarul. Vicces volt, de nagyon élveztem. A diákok angolul kérdeztek, én pedig válaszoltam rájuk, majd 20 perccel az óra vége előtt bevallottam nem Sarah Smith (haha :)) vagyok hanem szucsorsi. Örökre megjegyzem azokat az arcokat, amikor rájöttek tényleg nem angol vagyok, csak angolul beszélek. Persze itt a kintiek nagyon is értik, hogy külföldi vagyok, az akcentus elárul mindent. De ebben az esetben nem az volt a lényeg, hanem az, hogy a diákok hallhassanak valaki mást angolul beszélni, a tanárnőn kívül. Be kell valljam (akik ismernek úgyis tudják) nagyon szeretek beszélni, legyen az angolul vagy magyarul.
For example I went to the local primary school to speak in English for the 14 years old students. My task was to pretend that I am from the UK and I cannot speak in Hungarian. It was funny, I really enjoyed it. The students asked in English and I had to answer, 20 minutes before the end of the lesson I told them that I am not Sarah Smith (haha :)) I am szucsorsi. I will always remember for those faces who really thought I am English. Of course here in England everybody knows that I am foreign because of my accent. I can not hide it. In this case this did not matter, the most important thing was for the students to hear someone else speaking in English not just the teacher. I have to admit (those who know me know it anyway) that I really love speaking either in English or in Hungarian.
Az is érdekes, hogy sok dolgot máshogy látok mint otthoniak. Optimistább vagyok és más szemszögből nézem a dolgokat, amit az otthoniak vagy meg tudnak érteni, vagy pedig teljesen elítélik. Ez konfliktust vagy pedig megértést is szülhet, tehát barátságok mennek tönkre vagy éppen erősödnek meg. Talán így van ez jól. Én nem látok bele mindenki életébe, és senki sem lát bele az én életembe 100%osan, hiszen én élem meg, és a blogban sem írok le mindent.
What is interesting that I see some things on a different way than the others at home. I am more optimistic and I see everything from a different perspective what people can understand or can judge very strongly. This can lead to a conflict or to a better understanding, so friendships can end or can be stronger. Maybe this is how it has to be. I cannot look into anyone's life and nobody can look into my life for 100% because I live it and I do not write down everything in my blog.
What is interesting that I see some things on a different way than the others at home. I am more optimistic and I see everything from a different perspective what people can understand or can judge very strongly. This can lead to a conflict or to a better understanding, so friendships can end or can be stronger. Maybe this is how it has to be. I cannot look into anyone's life and nobody can look into my life for 100% because I live it and I do not write down everything in my blog.
3szor voltam otthon látogatóban az utóbbi másfél évben, és mindannyiszor tanultam valamit. Mindig azt mondom a rossz tapasztalat is tapasztalat, tehát igyekszem mindent úgy elraktározni, hogy tanultam belőle valamit. Másfél év alatt tudatosult bennem, hogy hiába imádom a családomat és Magyarországot, nekem itt a helyem. Lehet 5 év múlva már máshol leszek, de most azt érzem jó helyen vagyok. Itt is megtapasztaltam jót és rosszat, és itt sem rózsaszín minden. De a karrier, az iskola, a kiscsaládom (Norbi) ide húznak.
I have been visiting my family 3 times already since I am in England, and I always learnt something new. I always say that although something is a bad experience, it is still an experience I learn from it so I have to deal with it as a good thing. During this one and half year I realised that although I love my family and Hungary, my place is here in England. Maybe 5 years later I will be somewhere else but now I feel good here. I had some very bad and good experience so I can not say that I live a dream life. My career, university, my little family (Norbi) are here.
Ez a 10 nap nagyon jó volt, sokat ettünk, beszélgettünk, és jó volt látni a családomat.
10 days being at home was great, we ate a lot, spoke a lot and it was very good to see my family and Hungary.
Gyémánt Fürdő/Gyémánt "spa"
Foltossal/With my dog
I have been visiting my family 3 times already since I am in England, and I always learnt something new. I always say that although something is a bad experience, it is still an experience I learn from it so I have to deal with it as a good thing. During this one and half year I realised that although I love my family and Hungary, my place is here in England. Maybe 5 years later I will be somewhere else but now I feel good here. I had some very bad and good experience so I can not say that I live a dream life. My career, university, my little family (Norbi) are here.
Ez a 10 nap nagyon jó volt, sokat ettünk, beszélgettünk, és jó volt látni a családomat.
10 days being at home was great, we ate a lot, spoke a lot and it was very good to see my family and Hungary.
Gyémánt Fürdő/Gyémánt "spa"
Foltossal/With my dog